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Carniwel Fresh Lamb Starter for Large Breed Mother and Baby 3kg

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Give your large dog starter puppy the best start in life with Carniwel's specially formulated dry dog food. Made with high-quality ingredients, including rice, vegetable lipids rich in Omega-6 fatty acids, vegetable protein isolate, marine fish protein, dehydrated chicken protein, fresh lamb, fresh fish, and Antarctic krill, Carniwel provides essential nutrients for your puppy's overall health and development. Our unique blend also includes vegetable fibers for digestive health promotion, marine lipids rich in EPA and DHA, yeast extracts containing beta-glucan & MOS, L-carnitine, minerals, and antioxidants. Carniwel's formula is specially designed to support your large dog starter puppy's immune system, brain development, gut health, and lactation support. Plus, our formula allows for easy rehydration, making mealtime hassle-free, and supports easy weaning. With Carniwel, you can ensure your large dog starter puppy receives the essential nutrients needed for a healthy start in life. Choose Carniwel for a happy, healthy start for your large dog puppy


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